
FIRE | The House of Bernarda Alba

„Tears in Andalusia”

Garcia Lorca’s last creation, The House of Bernarda Alba, subtitled as „the drama of spanish women living in villages” is the criticism of individual happiness crushed by social fixity. Through the fate of a grieving widow and her daughters Lorca perfectly shows the frowsty atmosphere of supressed desires. Whoever bows to harsh traditions, undertakes eternal misery. Those who rebel against them and call for serenity and happiness, will die. “Those who follow their feelings and desires instead of centuries-old moral codes should not face death or excommunication; however, while the influence of puritan society is this powerful, all individual will and seeking of happiness will be met by pain.” Lorca fought for human dignity, equality, equity and democracy with words, melodies and colours.
The dance piece is sort of a concentrate, the essence and imprint of feelings and thoughts. It intends to show not the story and the characters of the drama but the tension caused by supression and closeness and the nature of turning against one another by the intense power of longing.


Adela – Janka Nier / Miriam Munno
Girls – Petra Bocsi, Letizia Melchiorre, Diletta Ranuzzi, Diletta Savini, Desirée Bazzani
Bernarda – Dusana Héraková
Pepe Romano – Lotár Vincze / Adam Bobák

Music: Manuel de Falla – El amor brujo
Lighting: Dániel Szabó
Set design concept: Kázmér Tóth and Tamás Juronics
Set constructor: Scabello
Costumes: Bianca Imelda Jeremias

Choreographed by: Tamás Juronics