

Recommended for those over 16 years

Time is put off… as it usually is with Shakespeare. But while Hamlet steps on the stage with the certanity of being able to fix it, Lear instantly loses the battle. He will not gradually fall into pieces; the one-time great king and confident man perishes in a heartbeat when his beloved wife passes. His path henceforward in the play is just staggering towards his final resting place.
His mood swings, curses, blowups, but even his desperate attempts to hold onto his daughters can all be explained with the irreplacable void. He is unable to continue governing thus the inevitable division of the empire. No planning in advance or rational decisions, only methodless improvisation.
Lear is the drama of lack and hunger for love. The craving of love and to be loved. This runs through the lives of all the characters – first of all that of the title character, the king who is terrified to face this new absence as his solid certitude of mutual love is being destroyed right in front of us. Gloster’s, who believes that the neglected childhood of his bastard son (Edmund) can be erased from his memories and the brothers can be reunited. That of Prince Alban, from whom love leaks like sand from clenched hands as he faces his wife’s (Goneril) guile. The only blissful Regané’s, who will have to pay for her happiness with the life of her husband, Cornwall for the outrage against Gloster. Kent’s, who embodies the good servant and comes back for the thousandth time to follow his Master, Lear exiled and refused – all this to barely survive when the king’s heart stops forever.
The rebel bastard’s, who, wounded by his own brother says „Edmund was still loved” with his last breath. That of Edgar, who comes out victorious from the duel with his brother, who watches in despair the causeless estrangement of their once loving father. And finally, his youngest daughter, Cordelia’s, who wants to love with actions instead of sweet words – with an immoderate, rebel, self-righteous love language for which Lear has no reading.
This is how „the rest is silence”. But this again is Hamlet, a different Shakespeare.

Premier date:



King Lear: Vencel Csetényi
Earl Kent: Gergely Czár
Earl Gloster: András Pataki
Edgar, son of Gloster: Lotár Vincze
Edmund, bastard son of Gloster: Francesco Totaro
Prince Alban, husband of Goneril: Róbert Kiss
Prince Cornwall, husband of Regan: Csongor Füzesi

Goneril, daughter of Lear: Petra Bocsi
Regan, daughter of Lear: Diletta Savini
Cordelia, daughter of Lear: Miriam Munno
Ghost of Lear’s wife: Letizia Melchiorre
Blood witches: Diletta Ranuzzi, Desirée Bazzani, Adrienn Nyeste

John Dowland: Flow my tears, In darkness let me dwell, Preludium, What if a day,

Henry Purcell: O let me weep, Cold song, Remember not ’Lord’ our offences,
Dido’s lament

Music editor: Dániel Dobri
Audio effects: Alex Hrencsjár
Animation: Zengo
Dramaturge: Brigitta Szokolai
Lights: Dániel Szabó
Costume desing: Bianca Imelda Jeremias
Scenery concept: Tamás Juronics
Technicality: Kázmér Tóth
Scenery execution: Scabello
Choreographer asistant: Janka Nier
Choreography: the Company
Director: Tamás Juronics

Artistic director: Tamás Juronics
Director: András Echéry-Pataki


Szeged Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata, Szegedi Nemzeti Színház, Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium, Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Kortárs Balettért Alapítvány
Novotel Hotel – Szeged, CE Glass Company, Busz Travel – Császár József, Hétkávézó, Pick Szeged Kézilabda, Palánta Salátabár, Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság, Porsche Szeged, Porsche M5

Media partners: Rádió88, Marie Claire, Kultú, Délmagyarország